How to keep your laundry room in order

Five tips for keeping your laundry room in order.

There is a lot of unavoidable stress in your life so why not declutter and organise where you can? The laundry room is a good place to start. After all, it is the mission control centre for tidy and clean homes. Here are a few useful tips that will keep your laundry room orderly—and your mind clutter-free. Clearly label a bin for darks and a bin for lights. Separating laundry into dark and light loads can be a hassle, so make your life easier and have family members sort it themselves! Two clearly marked bins in the laundry room will do the trick. Pin up a “lost sock board.” There’s nothing more annoying than losing a sock, throwing out its mate and then finding the original sock months later. Be organised and pre-emptively handle the age-old lost sock conundrum by putting up a lost sock corkboard. Fair warning: This may turn into more of a memorial wall… but it will still look cute. Start a laundry room piggy bank. When you turn pockets inside out and find loose change and bills, drop the bounty into your laundry room piggy bank. Aside from looking adorable, a piggy bank may prompt family members to check pockets before putting dirty clothes into the hamper. Designate a basket, bin or shelf to each family member. Having a designated area for each family member makes sorting laundry after washday a breeze. Then they can be in charge of picking up and folding their own clean items to help ease your load. Hang up a stain chart.  From makeup to dirt stains, knowledge is power. A stain chart will ensure that you are always prepared. Feel free to print our stain removal guide.